The hamlet of Servillo is a place with ancient history. The stone-built houses date back to the 16th century and some have been partially destroyed. In a more recent house, a wall with a stone architrave dating back to 1494 has been recovered which bears a coat of arms with a lion and a she-bear supported by a naked man. This coat of arms could be attributed to the Petruccis or the lords of Poggio Ramonte. In the church of Servillo, today dedicated to the Annunziata, it was identified as "S. Maria de Sirbillo" in the 1526 census. Furthermore, the findings of Roman ceramics in the locality of Le Piane could suggest that the name of the town derives from the Latin name Servilius. However, the proximity to a feudal residence has generated the suspicion that the name may be linked to a serf or tributary.
The town's patronal feast is celebrated on 24 September.