Parish of the Beata Vergine Assunta
At the entrance to Cortino, there is a welcoming square where the beautiful Church of S. Maria Assunta stands. Mentioned in documents dating back to 1324, the church has undergone numerous changes over time. Today, it has an imposing facade with a central part protruding compared to the lateral parts. This part includes an oculus, three windows with round arches and a portal with a flat architrave surmounted by a lunette. The side parts of the facade each include a tall, narrow window with a round arch. The roof is gabled and on the right side there is a sandstone architrave which could come from a pre-existing building and which bears mixed writings in Latin and vernacular. These scriptures have been interpreted as "Gesù, riversa il pensiero in Dio ed Egli stesso ti nutrirà", "Una mente santa e spontanea ad onore di Dio e per la liberazione della patria", "E' meglio che prima prendiate il buon consiglio" . Scholars believe that these writings date back to the end of the 12th century. On the left side, there is a bell tower with a square base which houses a bell.