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Servillo mill

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The mill was in operation until around the 1980s and the last millers were the Spinozzi brothers Vittorio and Francesco, from Servillo. Before them, from 1955 until 1980, the manager was their father, Spinozzi Antonio, nicknamed "'Ndu 'ndu". The mill mainly grinded for the communities of Servillo and Pagliaroli. Even today it is possible to see the millstone, which is partially covered by debris, and parts of the "cover box" surrounding it. In the room below the mill rooms, the parts that made up the grinding machinery are still present and visible, namely the "ritrecine", the "bench", the "awl" and the "preteletta". The mill building, which consisted of a studio apartment, has its roof collapsed, but the oak beams are still visible. The perimeter walls are in good condition. Behind the mill, upstream, there is a large reservoir for the accumulation of water which was necessary because the "Fiumicello" had little water in the summer. A stretch of artificial canal is still visible along the river.

Address: Cortino, TE, Italia
Photo gallery
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