Padula mill
The mill operated until 1955, managed by the last miller who was De Fabiis Ulisse known as "Ju 'mbienar" or "lu mulenare". He managed the mill from 1940 to 1955. The mill consisted of a single room with a single millstone, which is still visible on site. The vault of the room underneath the mill room has undergone a partial collapse and underneath you can still see the "ritrecine" shaft (central element of the mill machinery) without the blades but with the steel pin and the "nut bronze” (or pre-cover that was used to anchor the ritrecine shaft) resting on the “bench” or structure that allowed the millstone and the “ritrecine” shaft to rotate in the right way.
The trace of the artificial canal is clearly visible and extends up to the river lock, dug mostly into the rock. Furthermore, a small reservoir for the accumulation of water is also visible with a height of the water fall of approximately ten metres.
The roof of the building has completely collapsed, but some parts of the perimeter walls are still standing.