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Faieto mill

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The mill operated until 1980, although in recent years only for family use. Its last manager was Mario Di Filippantonio di Faieto, with the help of his son Nicola. Mario began managing the mill in 1944, replacing his father-in-law Brunozzi Nicola, who was the previous owner and manager. Currently, the mill belongs to Giovanni Di Filippantonio, originally from Faieto but resident in Teramo.

The mill has two millstones and in the room below the mill rooms there are still the central components of the grinding machinery covered in mud and made of cast iron and steel. In the room there are also the "covering boxes", the "farinari" (wooden boxes that collected the ground flour) and the "hoppers" (box where the grain was unloaded before grinding), all in good condition. The structure also includes the miller's house, connected to the mill via a small internal staircase. The roof and walls are still in good condition and there are no structural collapses.

In the rear part, upstream of the mill, there is a large reservoir for the accumulation of water. This is because the waters of the "Fiumicello", which move the mill, were scarce, as happened for the mills of Comignano and Servillo. The reservoir narrows towards the mountain and forms the artificial canal, the route of which is still clearly visible for a long stretch.

Address: Faieto, TE, Italia
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